25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)
25 Words or Less (2025)

25 Words or Less (2025)

4+ Players
10+ Ages
30+ Minutes


In this fast-paced party game, two clue-givers bet on how few words they’ll need to have their teammate(s) guess five secret answers, starting at 25. The lowest bidder takes the card and must beat the challenge within their limited clues--and time! Every word counts in this energy-fueled board game that keeps family and friends on the edge of their seats!

4+ Players
10+ Ages
30+ Minutes


In 25 Words or Less, players divide up into two teams. The current clue-giver on each team looks at a list of five words that they're going to have to get their teammates to say using only words (a.k.a., no sounds or gestures). The clue-givers bid on the number of words that they need to say to accomplish the feat, with the lower bid getting the honor of doing so. If the team cannot successfully name the words in the allotted time and with the bid number of words (or less), then the other team gets the point. The first team to collect ten points wins.

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  • 300 cards
  • Timer
  • Built-IN Countdown Board
  • Rules
  • Product Image

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