Collect Cash from Super Sweet Places with MONOPOLY®: South Park - It’s a New Edition, Mkay? - Available Now from The Op!

Published at Apr 6, 2022

MONOPOLY: South Park – It’s a New Edition, Mkay? is a collector’s edition remix that brings memorable moments, characters, and episodes to the tabletop, and it’s available now!

Call dibs on the hottest locales throughout South Park, such as Imaginationland, South Park Elementary and Kyle’s Toilet! Roshambo your opponents to pick up one of six custom sculpted tokens resembling Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, Butters, and Token to claim your properties, setting up Clubhouses and Playgrounds across the board. Any opponent that enters your domain just might become the poorest kid in the neighborhood!



South Park Monopoly



South Park Monopoly



Cheese Poofs and Snacky S’mores have replaced the standard Community Chest and Chance cards. These luck-of-the-draw events will either step up your game or leave you with not cool consequences, like having to fork over stacks of your custom South Park Monopoly money, featuring character faces—including Wendy!—on each increment from $1 to $500!



South Park Monopoly



South Park Monopoly



MONOPOLY: South Park - It’s a New Edition, Mkay? is for 2-6 players ages 17 and up. Leave your woes behind and grab a copy from your local game store or head up to The Op’s online shop, where you’ll also find where to buy other South Park swag such as the South Park “Paper Bus Stop” 1,000-piece puzzle, South Park Dice Set, Card Sleeves, D20 Dice, RUBIK’S® Cube: South Park or “Go Cows!” 1,000-piece puzzle. Want to be featured on our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, buddy? Use #TheOpGames or tag @theopgames in your South Park game night photos for the chance to be featured on our social media pages, Mkay?

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