9 Fun and Easy Dice Games to Play
Published at Apr 28, 2021
For centuries, dice have been a staple of gaming well known for their simplicity and versatility. Their popularity has withstood the test of time and provided entertainment through a wide variety of mediums, even when used on their own. If you’re on the search for a fun and inexpensive way to engage, collaborate, and stir up some friendly competition, these easy dice games require very little to enjoy and are sure to supply hours of fun and excitement.
Going to Boston
Ship, Captain, and Crew
Liven Up Your Game Nights With Themed Dice Sets
There’s a fandom for everyone, and now you can bring your favorite characters and stories to all your game nights! Whether you’re ready to play a dice game from this list or add some flair to your board games, these versatile dice sets will be ready to roll whenever you are! We have premium and standard dice sets, each with different icons and symbols letting fans celebrate with their favorite license.
In this team-based dice game, players score points by rolling a specific number on the dice depending on which round they’re on. The player that collects the most points and Buncos at the end of the game wins!
What You’ll Need:
- 4+ Players (Game best played with some multiple of four players).
- Three Dice
- One Score Sheet for Each Player
- Pencil
How to Play
Set up your tables to seat four players and decide which one will serve as the Head Table. The other tables will be numbered. Each table will divide into teams of two and sit across from each other. The object of the game is to win rounds by scoring more points than your opposing team.
Points are earned by rolling the same number as the round you are in. For example, if you’re in Round 1 and roll a 1, you’ll score a point. This will continue until the end of Round 6. More points can be awarded if you roll more than one number that corresponds to the round. If you roll two-of-a-kind, you earn two points. If a three-of-a-kind is rolled with the number of the round you are in, that’s a Bunco and you’ll be awarded a whopping 21 points. Should a three-of-a-kind be rolled with a number that does not correspond to the current round, you’ll earn 5 points.
To begin the game, the first player at each table will attempt to roll as many 1’s as they can to earn points for his/her team. Should at least one 1 be rolled, that player can roll again and try to roll more 1’s to build on those points. This will continue until the player fails to roll another 1, at which point the dice will move to the next player to the left. That player will repeat this process until no 1’s are rolled. Don’t forget to document your points on the scoresheet! This will be helpful when adding up how many points you and your teammate collect.
Keep passing the dice around the table until a team at the Head Table scores at least 21 points, which signals the end of the round. Other tables are permitted to keep rolling until the Head Table has completed the round, even if it means your team scores more than 21 points. Once the Head Table signals that the round is over, active players at other tables must finish their turn until the desired number is not rolled. The team that collects the most points during that round will document a “W” for win on their scoresheet underneath Round 1. If the round ends with a tie, each player gets one more turn to roll. The team with the most points after the roll will be deemed the winner.
If you scored any Buncos during the round, be sure to give yourself a tally for each underneath the “Bunco” section of your scoresheet.
At the end of each round, players must move tables and switch partners. The winners of each table will move on to the next while the other team remains at the table they are already seated at. These players will be required to change their team by moving to an adjacent seat as the new players fill in the other two seats. This ensures that each player has a new partner for the round.
Repeat the above process until the end of Round 6. Players will then compare their individual wins and Buncos. The player with the most of both wins the game!
Zanzibar is an easy dice game that boomed in popularity within French pubs. Today, it is played all over the world and suitable for any number of players. Be the first to rid yourself of all tokens and you win!
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- Three Dice
- 20 Chips for Each Player (You may also use play money, chocolate coins, M&M’s, or anything similar)
- One Scoresheet for Each Player
How to Play
The game begins after each player grabs 20 chips for themselves. The goal is to get rid of all your chips at the expense of other players.
Once you’re all set, the first player may roll the dice up to three times to earn as high a score as possible through specific combinations. Here is a look at the combinations you’ll want to roll:
- 4,5,6 – (Also known as a Zanzibar)
- 1,1,1
- 2,2,2
- 3,3,3
- 4,4,4
- 5,5,5
- 6,6,6
- 1,2,3
If you don’t roll these combinations, no worries. You can also earn points by adding the sum of the three dice together.
- 1 = 100 points
- 6 = 60 points
- 2 = 2 points
- 3 = 3 points
- 4 = 4 points
- 5 = 5 points
As an example, if you throw a 1,4,5, you’ll receive 109 points. Should you roll a 3,2,2, you’ll earn 7 points.
Once the first player’s turn has ended and they’ve calculated their score, the dice move counterclockwise to the next player, who will attempt to roll a higher score within the same number or fewer rolls than the first player. Once everyone has had their turn, the player with the lowest score must receive chips from everyone else. How many they gain will depend on the hand of the player with the highest score.
- 1 chip if the highest score is a points total
- 2 chips if the highest score is 1,2,3
- 3 chips if the highest score is three-of-a-kind
- 4 chips if the highest score is 4,5,6 (Zanzibar)
Whichever player won that round will begin the next. This will continue until one player has no chips remaining, which will deem them the winner.
The number 7 is widely considered a lucky number, but in this game, you want to avoid it at all costs! Will you take the risk to rake in more points?
What You’ll Need:
- 3+ Players
- 6 Dice
How to Play
Agree upon how many rounds you’ll play and who will begin the game. The first player will then roll all six dice and remove any combination of numbers that add up to seven. The goal is to score the highest possible total by adding the numbers shown on the remaining dice.
The first player will have the option to roll up to three times during their turn. Once they have removed any sets of dice that add up to seven (this can include one or more sets), those dice are set aside and not used again for their turn. Add the numbers on the remaining dice to calculate the score. If the player is not happy with their score, they may roll again. However, any combination of dice that total seven must be removed. They may then choose to accept their score or take the risk of rolling again to increase points. Keep in mind that the players that follow may only take as many throws as the first. For example, if the first player only rolled twice, then all the other players may not roll more than two times.
The game ends once all the rounds have been played, and the player with the highest score will be the winner!
Grab your lucky dice and brush up on your drawing skills! This creative and simple game requires players to draw beetle parts depending on the number they roll. The first player with a fully completed insect wins!
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- One Die
- Blank Sheet of Paper for Each Player
- Pencils/Pens
How to Play
A random player begins the game by rolling the die. Using the below reference, the player will then draw the body part correlated to the number they rolled. The next player will then roll the die and draw their body part.
1 – Body
2 – Head
3 – A leg
4 – An eye
5 – An antenna
6 – The tail
You’ll be sure to encounter a few challenges as you sketch your beetle. A body must be drawn before any other parts. A beetle without a body cannot have legs or a tail, after all! Furthermore, the head must be drawn before the eye and antenna can be added. Rolling a 1 and 2 is essential to completing your drawing. If you roll a number associated with a body part that cannot be drawn, your turn is skipped and the next player rolls. The first player with a fully sketched beetle is the winner!
If you’re a gamer that appreciates a little risk, Farkle may be a great choice for you! This challenging yet easy-to-learn dice game has many different variations, but these rules are the most commonly used.
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- 6 Dice
- Scoresheet
- Pens/Pencils
How to Play
One player begins the game by rolling all six dice. The goal is to score the most points by rolling different dice combinations. Below is a scoring system that is typically used for this game.
5 = 50
1 = 100
3 of a kind = face value x 100 (3 Fives = 5 x 100)
4 of a kind = 1000
5 of a kind = 2000
6 of a kind = 3000
Straight (1-6) = 1500
3 pairs = 1500
2 sets of 3 of a kind = 2500
If a combination is rolled, the player will keep the dice worth points and may roll the remaining dice to gamble for more points. If another combination is rolled, the player may add the points to the sum of the previous rolls. However, if a combination is not rolled, it is a Farkle and the player forfeits any points they have collected during that turn. The dice will then move clockwise to the next player. Don’t forget to record any awarded points on your scoresheet!
Once a player reaches 10,000 points, the other players get one more chance to earn a higher score. Whoever has the most points over 10,000 at the end of the game wins!
Going to Boston
Going to Boston, also known as Going to Town, is another simple yet exciting dice game in which players roll to win the most number of rounds.
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- Three Dice
How to Play
The goal of Going to Boston is to win rounds by rolling the highest total dice amount. To start, mutually agree on how many rounds you’d like to play and select a random player to toss all three dice. The highest number rolled will be kept. The player will then roll the remaining two dice and again hold onto the highest number. Roll the final die and add that number to your overall score for that turn. These steps will be repeated by each player around the table. Once everyone has rolled, the player with the highest score wins the round. Continue this until the end of the final round and add up your points. The player with the most will walk away victorious!
Pig is a quick and fun way to add some entertainment to your day. Just grab a single die and you’re ready to roll anywhere!
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- One Six-Sided Dice
How to Play
The object of Pig is to be the first player to earn 100 points. You achieve this by rolling the dice and adding which number you roll to your overall score. Players are permitted to roll as many times as they’d like during their turn, but beware of rolling a 1! Doing so will cost you all the points you’ve collected during your turn.
If you’ve racked up the points and don’t want to risk rolling a 1, you may choose to hold and keep the numbers you’ve accumulated during your turn. It will be up to you to decide if the risk is worth it! Once a player reaches 100 points, the game ends and that player is the winner.
Ship, Captain, and Crew
Also known as Bar Dice, this casual and simple dice game is both fun and quick to play!
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players (Best Played With 4 or More)
- Five Six-Sided Dice
- A Dice Cup (Optional)
How to Play
To start the game, the first player will toss the dice and attempt to roll a 4 (Crew), 5 (Captain), or 6 (Ship). If they roll any of the three, set those dice aside. The player then has two more chances to roll the numbers they need for a complete set. Keep in mind that the numbers must be rolled in order. For example, if you roll a 4 and 5 but not a 6, the 4 and 5 cannot be kept until the 6 has been rolled. Similarly, a 4 cannot be kept without a 5 or 6.
If you don’t achieve a 4, 5, and 6 in three rolls, you’ll earn zero points and the turn moves on to the next player. If you do manage to roll all three, you’ll add up the numbers on the remaining two dice (known as the Cargo) to determine your score. Should you roll a Ship, Captain, and Crew before you’ve used your three rolls, you have the option to reroll the Cargo dice and attempt a higher score. Be careful! You must accept the total of the new score, even if it’s lower than the previous one. Once all the players have rolled, the one with the highest score wins the game!
Chicago, also commonly known as Rotation, is a fast-paced dice game that can easily be enjoyed in both small and large groups.
What You’ll Need:
- 2+ Players
- Two Dice
- Scoresheet (Optional)
How to Play
The goal of Chicago is to roll every possible number combination that can be made with two dice. There are 11 possible combinations, and you’ll have 11 chances to roll. Each round has a target combination, which starts at 2 and goes up to 12 in the same sequence. For example, if you are in Round 8, the target score is 9. If a player rolls any combination that adds up to 9, they will score that number. If they do not, they’ll earn zero points for that round.
The game starts when the starting player rolls both dice. Remember, the target score for the first round is 2. If the player rolls two 1’s, they’ll score the two points. If not, no points will be awarded and the play moves on to the next player.
After 11 rounds, add up the total score of each player. The player with the highest cumulative score wins!
Which of these dice games will you play next? Find your favorite themed dice sets in our online shop or collect them all to impress at your game nights again and again. While you’re playing, be sure to share your photos and videos with us on social media by tagging @TheOpGames, using #TheOpGames, or #TheOpDice for a chance to be featured. Happy gaming!