Mix & Match Disney All-Stars to Dominate in Smash Up: Disney Edition – Coming Soon
No matter how many times we’ve sat down and pressed “play” to enjoy the action, movement, and music of our favorite animated movies, Disney fans are always prepared to be taken on an emotional ride from the twists and turns of each familiar tale. Knowing the heroes and villains so well in the stories we love, we can only imagine what would happen if iconic characters from different settings crossed each other’s paths... but luckily, we won’t have to for much longer!
With Smash Up, “the Shufflebuilding Game of Total Awesomeness”, intermingling our favorite properties is possible in our very own hands... and Disney characters are the next to join the fray! Get ready to create your own story and win with Smash Up: Disney Edition, coming soon!

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the award-winning “shufflebuilding” card game franchise with the second officially licensed version to come from AEG and The Op. Smash Up: Disney Edition will allow players to combine unlikely allies and fantastical foes, thanks to all-new Factions from timeless Disney films. Choose two decks, smash them together, and play on their unique abilities to battle against your opponents’ teams and claim bases. Be the first to earn 15 or more Victory Points with these bases at the end of each turn to win!
More details about the extraordinary array of Disney all-stars that are packed into the eight fun Factions you’ll soon be fusing together will be revealed in the coming weeks, so be sure to follow us on The Op’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we present each exciting lineup!
Smash Up: Disney Edition will be for 2-4 players, ages 14 and up, and coming soon to your favorite local game store! Allow various characters to interact like never before, with as much irony, wonder, and tenacity as any Smash Up Factions before them! Need to learn more about how to play the game? Check out www.alderac.com or start practicing with Smash Up: Marvel, available now from The Op’s online shop!
Until your new array of memorable team members arrives, sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when it Smash Up: Disney Edition hits the shelves. You can also get in on Smash Up tips, stories, and excitement for March Smashness with other players by joining AEG’s public Smashposting group, and tag @theopgames or #smashup on pics of your current favorite matchups for a chance to be featured on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!